ACT: The ACT is America’s most extensively frequent college front examination. It assesses high faculty students’ trendy academic improvement and their capacity to finish university-level paintings. The more than one-desire exams cover four talent areas: English, arithmetic, studying, and technological know-how. The Writing Test, that’s non-obligatory, measures ability in planning and writing a brief essay.CAI: Computer-Aided Instruction (like CALL however not always for teaching the English language).CALL: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (the usage of computer systems to educate English).CELTA: Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (Cambridge). Very popular in Europe and well-known somewhere else as an opportunity to TESOL, especially if the school follows a British curriculum or uses British teaching materials.Certificate IV in TESOL: This is the Australian version of the TESOL certificate. See under for the definition of TESOL.
CELTYL: Certificate in English Language Teaching to Young Learners is Cambridge’s version of TEYL. See TEYL underneath.COTE: Certificate for Overseas Teachers of English (British route for non-native English instructors). This has been changed through ICELT. See under.DELTA: A diploma application from Cambridge that takes CELTA to a deeper degree.
EAL: English as an Additional Language (where humans already know two or more – which includes in Europe).
ECE: Early Childhood Education (You want this to paintings in a day-care facility).
EFL: English as a Foreign Language (People have normally had very little exposure to English. More a European time period.
ERIC: Educational Resource Information Center inside the USA (remarkable on line aid for teachers).
ESL: English as a Second Language (People have commonly had a few publicity to English).
ELT: English Language Teaching (or Training).
ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages (generally interchangeable with ESL/EFL).
ESP: English for Special Purposes (English 帶狗去台灣 for New Immigrants/Survival English, Academic English, Business English, English for Accounting and Finance, Legal English, Medical English, Technical English, English for Tourism and Hospitality).
GED: General Education Diploma (High School degree for mature college students in most cases inside the USA).
ICELT: In-carrier Certificate in English Language Teaching. This is a new path presented with the aid of Cambridge ESOL to update COTE. See above. It is for experienced instructors who perhaps do now not have as a lot simple training as they must, need to deepen their knowledge of the teaching procedure or who have been faraway from language coaching for a while.
IELTS: International English Language Testing System. This is a British-primarily based English check used in most cases for college and university front. It is famous inside the UK, Ireland, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. They are making inroads into North America. The test is receiving grievance in Canada because the British accents used inside the Listening test are so exceptional from Canadian accents. IELTS lately launched a USA website online so with a bit of luck the accent problem is being addressed and a good way to spill north across the border.
K-12: Kindergarten through Grade 12.
KET: This Key English Test from Cambridge is a fundamental English take a look at poplar in overseas faculties at junior high faculty stage. Students will usually be on the Elementary ESL level. PET follows it. See PET beneath.
PET: The Preliminary English Test is a Cambridge test for ESL students at the intermediate degree. Often given in colleges the yr following the KET.
P/SAT: PSAT/NMSQT stands for Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. It’s a standardized take a look at that provides firsthand exercise for the SAT Reasoning Test(TM).
RSA: Royal Society of Arts. Cambridge University took over administration in their RSA route and renamed it CELTA. See CELTA above.
SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test. US Colleges use this as an entrance test. It tests English language skills, reasoning and math problem solving.
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language
TEFLA: Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults
TESL: Teaching English as a Second Language
TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (usually interchangeable with ESL/EFL)
TESP: Teaching English for Special Purposes
TEYL: Teaching English to Young Learners (combines ECE and ESL). Now, Cambridge have introduced out their model called CEYTL
TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language (Used for college entrance for overseas college students more often than not in North America)
TOEIC: Test of English in International Communications (utilized by companies often to check the English of latest personnel)
WALL: Web-Assisted Language Learning (the use of the Internet to educate English)
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